hides exculpatory evidence not me
I hired 5 defense lawyers and 1 retired supreme court justice called me. None of them could say a thing about the photos, exculpatory evidence, cops high on drugs during arrest. So I guess this means that if a cop says the sears tower is in the Bahama's, and the judge rules it is so, I guess it's then law.
Q - What is worse than a cop on patrol high on drugs.... with a gun, gives perjured testimony, false reports?
A - A Judge and prosecutor know about it and look the other way, praises and encourages such activities, defense lawyers look the other way also.
Stories like the Drew Peterson case (2 wifes, 1 missing, 1 dead) no doubt he is the perfect killer, trained by law enforcement and criminal justice system.
Another home grown terrorist, but this one wore a badge, had judges and prosecutors praising him every day for 26? years of training, every which way to commit a crime and not get caught.
Yes it happens. Day after day after day.
Look at my case, cops high on drugs (reading the police report, the only other conclusion a person could draw, would be death, dumb and stupid), they know they can get away with it, in the village, and in the court. They know they can get away with any thing.
Look at the Browns Chicken Murder's, To a few it is no secrete which bar the on duty cops were probably at that night, the night before, the night before that and before that, which bar the chief was probably drinking at all afternoon (what is the owner going to do, tell some one and loose his business in town? I and other could even, most likely, tell you who was at the 2 different bars, who saw them, who was tending bar, what they were drinking and maybe who they were screwing.
One of those kids that got killed, use to hang in the same bar with the cops. I will always believe that they might have and could have, done the killings and the kicker was that the Palatine Village council cleaned up the crime scene. Why do you think the mayor quashed investigations of the Palatine police department.
The State Police know this also, but look at the Drew Peterson, they gave perjured testimony in the death of his wife and are held harmless. For violating ever law and oath they swore to up hold. Held harmless, not accountable for perjury, false reports, obstruction of justice, criminal conspiracy.
What do you do? Expert witness witness says death by drowning. Yet we all know death by drowning means water in the lungs, instead of breathing in air some one breathed in water. Expert witness says no water in the lungs. The expert witness should have been arrested on sight. The state trooper that said death by accident should have been arrested on sight. If a regular person made such a bungling lie under oath, we would be sent to jail...... I'm going to bed.
Just because the government thinks we are all herd mentality and they can do as they please, it just is not true.
Some of these judges, prosecutors, defense lawyers come from this law school.
Let me give this example of the way I see things, it is like a person that gets sick, well give him something to cover up the symptoms, give him more drugs, cut off a arm, leg, foot, something else or maybe get a replacement part.
Instead of focusing of the cause, source and early development, so the sickness will never come to be.
That Hinkly guy who cut up people and ate em, in Milwaukee. A lot of people thought it good that he was killed in jail. Not me, I thought it was important to study him and find out what was the cause of the problem. After which maybe we could help other people with what was discovered. I was alone on that one also.
Law school's have a lot to do with the early development of people who later administer law. I wounder if the law schools are not blameless, I mean is the quality of the doctor a reflection of the medical education? or what about kids that graduate high school, that have 3rd grade skills? or College graduates that are dumber than a 3rd grader?
We get back to responsibility, it is always the other guys fault and it just aint working.
Back to my case, look at all the intelligence, all the people, law degrees, years of training, and more training. You get, got and have nothing but dirt, garbage, corruption.
With all the brains, money, intelligence and wisdom or lack there of, is the best this law school can do?
Some body, some thing, some place, some where, has to make an bone a fide attempt to start and maybe other sectors in society, global, will kick in.